How to Create Sparklines in Excel Tutorials

How to Create Sparklines in Excel

How to Create Sparklines in Excel

When working with data in Excel, you will sometimes want to create a sparklines to view a mini Sparkline within a single cell near your sourece data. Sparklines are a nice tool to provide quick snapshots of data trends without creating a Sparkline or graph in Excel.

Step 1: Select the data you want in the Sparkline

Use your mouse to select the data you would like to include in your sparkline.

Step 1: Select your Sparkline data

Step 2: Click the Insert Tab

Once the data is selected, click in the Insert tab to display the Sparkline options on the ribbon.

Step 2: Click on the Sparkline Elements button next to the Sparkline

Step 3: Click on one of the Sparkline types

In the Sparkline section of the Insert tab, click on one of the Sparkline types displayed.

Step 3: Select Trendline from the Add Sparkline Elements window

Step 4: Select the Cell for the Sparkline to appear

After you select the sparkline type, a window will appear and ask you for the location where the sparkline should be placed. Click your mouse inside the box for Location Range, and then click the cell where you want the sparkline to appear. The cell reference for the selected cell will appear in the Location Range box.

Step 4: Select the Cell for the Sparkline to appear

The cell reference for the selected cell will appear in the Location Range box.

Step 4: The cell reference for the selected cell will appear in the Location Range box

Step 5: Click OK, and the sparkline will appear in the selected cell

After you have selected the cell location for the sparkline, just click ok and the sparkline will appear.

Step 5: Click OK, and the sparkline will appear in the selected cell

Topic #13

How to Create Sparklines in Excel

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